yesterday i was visiting nina's (lovely small boutique in helsinki) and got inspired by dries van noten ss09. and almost bought new shoes with the most beautiful wooden heels, maybe i'll go try them once more..
beauty indescribable. liu wen in acne paper spring 09 issue. unknown model in numéro magazine 2005 (that leather jacket is so beautiful - love these round non-studs)
90's heroines captures by peter lindbergh xxx xx xxx and heroes of 60's, the beatles (paul always reminds me of my dad - and that would kind of make me stella!)
i dyed my hair and feel like a goth. not sure if i should laugh or cry. please pray with me to every dude, god or flower for the color to fade... is it as bad as i think it is? your time to be honest
before running to tram with bits of banana in my mouth i snapped a quick shot. nothing special, still in love with the trench and the antique cross i bought from a tiny boutique in paris. the bun has become part of me.
i found photographer lars botten when a friend of mine sent a photo of lars' to another friend of mine saying the picture reminded her of her. these pictures are part of a 'look at me' serie. for more check
Friday, May 15, 2009
jalouse editorial X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LOVE
wearing thrifted leather skirt, acne sweater dress, copper tights and black leather boots i bought from ebay with my n:o 1 accessory, canon powershot g9.
yesterday evening i went to see moa (masters of arts) final thesis works and later to cin cin at my o my. i tried on these heart breakingly awesome leather shorts, they were slightly too big for me. somebody will find herself a treasure half price.