Sunday, September 13, 2009

the past two days

here's some sneak into the past two days in nyc. i find it hard to really get into photographing - i'm enjoying the city so much i don't want to spoil the special moments by digging the camera from my bag starting to find the right angle and so on - do you understand my point? as if the moments feel more special uninterrupted and more unique not trying to capture most of it on pixels..

anyway here's some pics. as you can see i haven't really made an effort..

1 steps towards my morning coffee and hems of the jacket everyone's wardrobe is screaming for (you can see the jacket better on the face hunters pics)
2 inspirational inspiration wall at zero maria cornejo store
3 rumi and ms x at the METAL magazine 4th issue release party (jared leto spotted)
4 my new bag and other shoppings



Hanna said...

Oi, olisinpa siellä..

Paula said...

Ooojjjj... minä myös ja loving the new bag!

sofia said...

MISTÄ toi laukku on???? it's to die for!!

petra said...

sori, huomasin kommentin vasta nyt!! laukku on beacon's closetista Nykistä eli second hand. beacon's closet on LOISTAVA, suosittelen lämpimästi jos satut hoodeille!